Vize görüşmesinde ne soruyorlar ? Kktccell
Vize görüşmesinde ne soruyorlar ? Kktccell
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 Vize görüşmesinde ne soruyorlar ?

Aşağa gitmek 

Cinsiyet Erkek
Mesaj Sayısı : 175
Başarı sistemi : 5
Kayıt tarihi : 13/04/09
Nerden : heryerden
Ruh Hali : 8
Takım : Galatasaray

Altın Altın: 0

Vize görüşmesinde ne soruyorlar ? Empty
MesajKonu: Vize görüşmesinde ne soruyorlar ?   Vize görüşmesinde ne soruyorlar ? I_icon_minitimePerş. Tem. 15, 2010 1:01 pm

1- Hangi okulda okuyorsun?
Where do you study?
Where are you studying at?
What school are you studying at?
Which school are you studying at?

im studying at x University.

2- Hangi bölümde okuyorsun?
What do you study?
What is your department?
What is you major?

I am studing about economics,
my department is economics,
my major is economics

3- Kaçıncı sınıftasın?
What class are you in?
What is your year?

im in third class
third year at school

4- Okula ne zaman başladın?
When did you start your university/school?
When did your school start?
How many years have you completed so far? (Şimdiye kadar kaç yıl tamamladın, kaç yıl okudun?)

i started the school twotousendthree
i completed three years

5- Okulunu ne zaman bitireceksin?
When will you finish your school?
When are you going to finish your school?
When will you graduate from your school/university?
When are you going to graduate from your school/university?
When are you expected to graduate? (Ne zaman mezun olman bekleniyor?
When will your school end?
When is your school going to end?

i will finish next year
im ganna finish next year

6- Not ortalaman kaç?
What is your GPA?
What� your average?
What� your grade point average?
How are your notes/points?

My GPA is two point thirty three

7- Okulunu bitirdikten sonra ne olmayı düşünüyorsun?
What do you want to be after graduation?
What do you want to be after completing your school?
What do you want to be after finishing your school?

i want to continuing graduate studies about x
im planing bla bla bla

8- Aldığın dersler neler?

What/which classes/lessons are you taking this semester?
What/which classes/lessons do you get this semester?
What/which classes/lessons do you take this semester?
What/which classes/lessons did you get last semester?
What/which classes/lessons did you take last semester?

i took Monetary policy, economic crisis, european union, economic policy, international economy policy, some law lessons, tax law, commercial law, contract law etc.

9- Neden Amerikaya gitmek istiyorsun? Neden bu programa katılmak istiyorsun?

Why do you want to go to Amerika/ the USA?
Why do you want to join this program?
Why do you want to attend this program?
Why do you want to be a participant of this program (work and travel)

i wanna practise my english skill and know different cultures, different peoples, different countrys
i think this program will be great experience for me bla bla bla�br />

Ailen ne iş yapıyor?
What does your family do?
What does your father do?
What does your mother do?
What does your sister/brother do?
How about your family?
How about your father/mother?
How about your brothers/sisters?
What� your father� job?

My father working x where
My mother is housewife

10- Ailen ne tür iş yapıyor? Ne tür bir işte çalışıyor? Nerede çalışıyor?

What kind of work/job is he/she doing?
What kind of work/job does he/she do?
Where is he retired from? (Nereden emekli oldu?)
Where does he/she work?
Where is he/she working?

My father x where
My mother y where

11- Kardeşin var mı? Ne iş yapıyorlar?

Do you have any brother or sister?
What do they do?

i have a brother and a sister, my brother is studing secondary school, and my sister is married and shes living with her husband

12- Amerikada tanıdığın var mı?
Do you have any friends/relatives in the USA?

(Absolutely) No...

13- Daha önce yurtdışında bulundun mu?

Have you ever been abroad before?

No, if you are give me visa it ganna be first 

14- Amerika�a nereye gideceksin?

Where will you go in the USA?
Where are you going to go in the USA?
Where are you going in America?

i will go to x

15- Amerika�a nerede çalışacaksın?

Where will you work?
Where are you going to work?

17- Ne iş yapacaksın?

What will you do there?
What are you going to do in your job?
What kind of work are going to do?
What kind of work will you do?

18- Haftada, ayda, gunde ne kadar kazanacaksın?

How much will you earn per day, per week, per month?
How much are you going to earn?
How much will your salary be?
How much will you be paid?

i �l earn 7.50 $ per hour .

19- Bu işi nasıl buldun?
How did you find this job?
Who found your job?
Who arranged this job?

My consulting company found it. And after that we are met up with employees in İstanbul and we are told about job face to face

My consulting company arranged it.
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Vize görüşmesinde ne soruyorlar ?
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